Cod Steaks now runs on 50% renewable energy.
Time to make a stand.
2024 was the year Cod Steaks launched headfirst into renewable and sustainable practices to both improve our environment and the carbon footprint of our industry.
Avon Needs Trees
Solar power.
Since March 2024 50% of our energy usage has be supplied by Solar power! We have worked with the SunLight Future and West of England Combined Authority to install 150 Solar panels onto the roof of our HQ in Bristol.
Not only will this support our projects in the workshop but also assist our Eco heating system and new energy-efficient LED workshop and office lights.
‘‘Avon Needs Trees is a registered charity creating new, permanent woodland throughout the Bristol-Avon catchment to fight the climate and ecological emergencies.’’
Cod Steaks now supports “ Avon Needs Trees” in their effort to create woodland in our local countryside.