Giant Norman Arrow - ENGLISH HERITAGE

To mark 950 years since King Harold took one in the eye and William the Conqueror triumphed, English Heritage hid 1,066 arrows in its castles, forts, stone circles and stately homes across the country – as well as at the battlefield where the Battle of Hastings was fought.

To launch the charity’s 1066 Arrow Hunt, English Heritage unveiled a giant arrow built by Cod Steaks, at the Battle of Hastings battlefield in East Sussex. The arrow measures six metres from tip to tail and weighs in at over 250kg. The Cod Steaks team managed the project from concept to installation, ensuring the large scale replica was an authentic recreation with a textured wooden shaft, worn metal head and detailed red fletching.

As planned, this colossal installation caused quite a stir, generating extensive national press coverage and social media interest. It also created smiles alround, inspiring thousands of visitors to become 'arrow hunters' for the day.

This project is the perfect example of how our 3D design and build capability is highly exploitable for clients who need high impact experential marketing and public relations campaigns.


Football Machine - BB2 Geronimo


Duck and Waffle - Fabled studio